Everybody Health & Leisure Hyprolyser® systems

Health and leisure charity ‘Everybody’ have been working in partnership with Cheshire East Council to introduce two new Hyprolyser® electrochlorination systems to local leisure centres.

Project details

Client Everybody & Cheshire East Council
Location Crewe Lifestyle Centre and Macclesfield Leisure Centre
Installation Date 2022
Service Partner Equans
System Hyprolyser®
Model Hyprolyser Compact

The Hyprolyser® electrochlorination systems were installed at Crewe Lifestyle Centre and Macclesfield Leisure Centre, bringing sustainable, reliable and cost-effective benefits to their large swimming pools.

Everybody’s main aim was to reduce their carbon footprint, as well as finding a safe and user-friendly solution for both staff and swimmers. Gaffey’s British-built Hyprolyser® electrochlorination systems provide a safer alternative to traditional chlorine, producing a chlorine-like Hypochlorite solution which is generated by electrolysis, water and salt. This sustainable generation process ensures no hazardous chemicals need to be delivered or stored on-site, merely using cost-effective, safe and easily accessible salt instead.

Peter Shallcross, Building and Statutory Compliance Manager at Cheshire East Council, said: “Cheshire East Council’s Facilities Management Service continue their close working partnership with Everybody Health and Leisure and are delighted with the success of the recent installation of the Hyprolyser® systems, to the swimming pools at Crewe Lifestyle Centre and Macclesfield Leisure Centre.”

Another key reason Everybody Health & Leisure opted for electrolysis over traditional chlorine were the ongoing nationwide chlorine shortages. By installing Hyprolyser® electrochlorination systems, they have brought an extra level of resilience to the charity, ensuring the swimming pool operations continue to run unaffected.

Dominic Crisp, Head of Operations at Everybody Health & Leisure, commented: “This project brings an extra layer of resilience to our facility operations should further chlorine shortages occur in the future. Investing in these units will not only just see a number of environmental and sustainability benefits but will also further support our Learn to Swim Scheme.

“This will aid Everybody in continuing to prioritise the learning and development of children’s swimming in Cheshire East by ensuring minimal, if not zero, disruption is caused in the future due to delays in supply chains.”

In conclusion, both large swimming pools will continue to benefit from improved efficiency and safety standard improvements. The introduction of both Hyprolyser® systems has offered the advantage of an environmentally friendly means of producing hypochlorite, together with lower operating and ongoing maintenance costs.

To learn more about Hyprolyser® electrochlorination systems and how you can benefit from sustainable hypochlorite generation, get in touch with Gaffey today.

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