Adaptive Response Technology (ART)

Discover the new smart technology built-in to Gaffey’s next generation Hyprolyser® iSEC® range.

What is Adaptive Response Technology?

A gamechanger for electrochlorination, unique Adaptive Response technology, ‘ART’ for short, ensures perfectly balanced system safety and electrolytic chemistry, despite constantly changing environmental or site conditions.

Perfect chlorine generation has always been difficult to achieve due mainly to:

  • Intermittent and seasonal warm water temperatures
  • Climatic influences
  • Inconsistent feed water pressure

Adaptive Response Technology, is the intelligent solution. This latest innovation from Gaffey addresses these challenges, adjusting to meet the changing conditions and delivering a consistent supply of <1% Sodium Hypochlorite. Ensuring continuous effective chlorination, no matter what the application.

This innovative technology, developed by Gaffey, is built into our full range of Hyprolyser® iSEC® electrochlorination systems from the wall mounted Modular Hyprolyser® iSEC® 30-90 units to the new extended range of Hyprolyser® iSEC® High-Capacity Skid 250-2000 skid systems.

This new generation of Hyprolyser® iSEC® systems can now detect the smallest irregularity within its process, and, instead of immediately stopping chemical generation, it will automatically self-regulate and continue to function, allowing any issues to be resolved quickly. This ensures continual and consistent chemical generation for efficient chlorination, minimising intervention from the operator and potential costly operational interruptions.

Hyprolyser® iSEC® Modular Systems

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Hyprolyser® iSEC® Modular Skid Systems

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Hyprolyser® iSEC® High Capacity Skid Systems

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