ChloriDOS iOX delivers safe, clean water whilst realising 75% cost saving on chemicals

ChloriDOS iOX with it's unique volumetric batch generation technology, generates consistent, effective water disinfection, while delivering significant cost savings for the buildings owner.

Project details

Client Leading Financial Institution
Location London, UK

Gaffey’s ChloriDOS iOX technology is delivering multiple benefits to a commercial building in the heart of Canary Wharf, London.

Located on the Isle of Dogs, Canary Wharf was once one of the busiest docks in the world and is named for its link to fruit importation from the Canary Islands. Original buildings date back to 1936 and through the years, the area has been built and rebuilt. In the 1990’s the Canary Wharf landscape changed dramatically as the financial district emerged with new developments including One Canada Square, the UK’s tallest building at the time and symbol of the docklands regeneration.

Although the wharf buildings are relatively new, with modern internal plumbing and water storage facilities, the water itself still flows through Victorian utilities before reaching them. So it requires secondary disinfection on site, within the buildings, to ensure the safety of the water for consumption and bathing.

Three years ago, as part of their water safety plan, the owners of a 21-storey commercial wharf building identified the need to replace their existing secondary water treatment system.

They chose our chloriDOS iOX with unique volumetric batch generation technology, it is unmatched for accuracy of blending and for data reporting. Simple to operate and requiring minimum maintenance, chloriDOS iOX operates under vacuum, providing proven sustained disinfection efficacy, preventing harmful bacteria from building up in the water system. Ultimately delivering consistently safe and clean water to the building’s users and occupants.

A compact design, our chloriDOS iOX unit was quick and easy to install, fitting seamlessly in place of the old system and incurring minimum disruption to the building’s normal running. 

Three years on, the system is reported to be effective, efficient and in full compliance with water treatment regulations. The site operator is also pleased with the additional benefits realised.

More effective disinfection

ChloriDOS iOX is delivering more effective disinfection with increased efficacy and consistent chlorine dioxide disinfection residuals in the water test samples at the furthest sentinel points with no measurable Legionella as a result.

75% reduction in chemical usage

Designed to deliver 95% conversion efficacy it is not surprising that more efficient chemical usage has been reported. However, in just its first year the ChloriDOS iOX has used 75% less chemical reagents than its predecessor making a real cost saving for the owner.

Increased safety on site

The low concentrate chemical reagents (hydrochloric acid and sodium chlorite) are delivered in 25 litre drums, so this not only means significant cost savings, but also less need for on-site storage. Freeing up more space, reducing the frequency of deliveries and therefore, reducing hazards and increasing safety for the operator.

Overall, reliable, safe water treatment for decades to come.

ChloriDOS iOX, innovative design, smarter engineering, proven results.

Call: 01254 350180

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