Gold star for Hyprolyser® electrochlorination systems

Lyn Phillips, National Sales Manager for Sterling Hydrotech tells us why, when it comes to electrochlorination, they only install Hyprolyser® chlorine generation technology. The pool at the prestigious The John Frost School in Newport is a prime example.

Project details

Client The John Frost School
Location Newport, South Wales
Installation Date 2022
Service Partner Sterling Hydrotech
System Hyprolyser®
Model Hyprolyser iSEC60-Skid 2

As one of our preferred install and service partners, Sterling Hydrotech install and maintain pump room equipment for over 600 sites across the UK and The Channel Islands. They have been working with Gaffey for over 10 years, in a relationship that pre-dates Hyprolyser® electrochlorination technology.

We caught up with Lyn at a recent Hyprolyser® installation at The John Frost School, a flourishing, well respected and highly sought-after school in South Wales. With a reputation for serving the community, not only in an educational capacity, but as a community and sports hub. The impressive facilities include a 25m, four-lane swimming pool.

Lyn explained that Sterling Hydrotech have a long running relationship with The John Frost School, having previously fitted a day tank and pump set system for use with calcium hypochlorite.

On a routine maintenance visit, fitting some new controllers, the customer and the team got talking about the current issue of water treatment chemical shortages, including chemical deliveries and the chlorine shortage of 2022.

This led to a conversation on the latest technologies available and in particular the Hyprolyser® chlorine generation system that uses readily available, low-cost salt, water and electricity to make sodium hypochlorite on site, to keep pool water clean and healthy.

With no harmful chemicals to transport, store or mix, the immediate advantages were clear, and the customer was keen to explore Hyprolyser® benefits further.

A detailed proposal followed, including:

Operational benefits of Hyprolyser:

  • Safe and hazard free environment for staff and pool users alike
  • No need to purchase, transport or store harmful chemicals
  • Easy to operate
  • Low maintenance

Sustainability benefits:

  • Uses UK sourced, low-cost salts
  • Precise dosing for increased efficiencies
  • Environmentally sound

Cost benefits:

  • No increasingly expensive chemicals to source or purchase
  • Significant cost savings over total cost of ownership

The maintenance manager for The John Frost School agreed, Hyprolyser® iSEC electrochlorination technology made good sense and commissioned the Hyprolyser®  iSEC Skid-II 60 system.

Fitted some months ago now, Lyn tells us, “The client loves it. They perform their own routine maintenance on site and the system operates without any problems.”

iSEC Skid-II 60 is ideal for smaller scale chlorine demands. Manufactured in the UK, this system uses our ‘plug and play’ concept, for quick and easy installation. With our unique volumetric dosing system, it efficiently generates a supply of dilute sodium hypochlorite into the integral storage tank at a rate of 60g per hour, equivalent to 2kg calcium hypochlorite per day.  Find out more about our range.

So why does Sterling Hydrotech only fit Hyprolyser electrochlorination systems?

Lyn tells us: “We have seen an increase in interest in electrochlorination systems, especially in light of the ongoing chlorine shortage crisis. At Sterling Hydrotech we could see the advantages for customers, especially when Gaffey introduced the iSEC systems.

Hyprolyser® iSEC is perfect – offering the best all round solution to customers – beats the major hurdles of the 2022 chlorine shortage and rising chemical costs. Ideal in the current market conditions.”

Lyn continued: “It’s easy to sell the benefits for Hyprolyser® – the savings, no need for chemicals, great for the environment, less plastic, less transport. Operationally simple to use and reduces the complexity and time taken for maintenance.

“Gaffey are quick to respond with technical support on site if it’s needed, especially when we have particularly challenging projects. For our customers a quick response and installation is essential. If a pool is closed, the customer is losing revenue, and this can add up.”

Summing up, Lyn told us the reasons that they fit Hyprolyser® chlorine generation systems – cost, reliability and build quality; and “Gaffey give a great customer service.”

To find out how much you could benefit with a Hyprolyser® electrochlorination system, contact the Gaffey team today.

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